Pengembangan gim edukasi untuk membantu pemahaman konsep dan memunculkan minat siswa dalam belajar materi trigonometri kelas x / Rizqi - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pengembangan gim edukasi untuk membantu pemahaman konsep dan memunculkan minat siswa dalam belajar materi trigonometri kelas x / Rizqi

Rizqi (2021) Pengembangan gim edukasi untuk membantu pemahaman konsep dan memunculkan minat siswa dalam belajar materi trigonometri kelas x / Rizqi. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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It is a research to develop a computer-based educational game instructional media which is valid practical dan effective for tenth grades of trigonometry. It is a Research and Development (R amp D) type of research which use Analyze Design Development Implementation Evaluation (ADDIE) model which had been developed by Branch. The study trial was involving 10 tenth grades student and a mathematic teacher at SMAN 1 Jogorogo. The analysis result shows that the product belongs to ldquo very valid rdquo category with average score percentages (%) of material and media validities are 95 25 and 97 00 respectively. The practicality aspect is in ldquo very practical rdquo category with 91 25% average score percentages of test. The effectiveness aspect is in ldquo very effective rdquo category with 90 75% average score percentages of test and it also obtained 96 74 average score of student academic test which means it has far exceeded the Minimum Mastery Criteria. Thus those data above lead to conclusion that the product has valid practical and effective to help SMAN 1 Jogorogo students in learning tenth grades of trigonometry.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Matematika (MAT) > S1 Pendidikan Matematika
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 26 Aug 2021 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2021 03:00

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