Penggunaan metode Hungarian dalam masalah "Penetapan" oleh Laelatul Nuri Solikah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Penggunaan metode Hungarian dalam masalah "Penetapan" oleh Laelatul Nuri Solikah

Solikah, Laelatul Nuri (2010) Penggunaan metode Hungarian dalam masalah "Penetapan" oleh Laelatul Nuri Solikah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Oneo f importantc oncepot n lineara lgebrais matrix sucha sm atrix additionm atrixs ubhactioann dm atrixm ultiplicationE. venthougha b asic problemin operafionre searchis to assignd ifferentt askst o somef acilitieso n a one-too- neb asiso ptimally In this undergraduateh esisb e discusseadb outH ungarianm ethodw hich is usingm atrix algebrafo r assignmenptr oblem.T heH ungarianm ethodin volve squarem atrix w hichs howt he numbero f facilitiese qualn umbero f tasks t hen calledc ostm atrixf or assignmenptr oblem.B y Hungarianm ethod a n originalc ost matrixw ill be changedb ecomea newc ostm atrixw ith normegativen triesa nd containsa na ssignmencto nsistinge ntirelyo f zeroe nfriesO. neo f charactefrr om assignmenptr oblema ssigrrso mef acilitiest o differentt asksw ith conditiono ne facility assignedt o only onet aska ndo net askd oingb y only onef acility. By usingH ungarianm thod t he originalc ostm atrixh aso ptimal assignmewnth iche quanl ewc ostm atrixi f hass ameo rdinaryc ost.M oreoveri f finishinga ssignmenptr oblemw ith usingH urgarianm ethodw ill haveg ot oneo r more solution alternative.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: Q Science > QA Mathematics
Divisions: Fakultas Matematika dan IPA (FMIPA) > Departemen Matematika (MAT) > S1 Matematika
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 03 Aug 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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