Teacher's strategies in overcoming problems in the teaching of speaking at SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang / Moh. Hasbullah Isnaini - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Teacher's strategies in overcoming problems in the teaching of speaking at SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang / Moh. Hasbullah Isnaini

Moh. Hasbullah Isnaini (2008) Teacher's strategies in overcoming problems in the teaching of speaking at SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang / Moh. Hasbullah Isnaini. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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This study is intended to find out students speaking problems and teacher s strategies in overcoming the problems. It was conducted at SMK NEGERI 1 Singosari Malang because its students seem do not have sufficient speaking skills although they have a special program leveling system of English. This study is a descriptive qualitative research because (1) the researcher works in a natural setting (2) it concerns with the process rather than with the outcomes (3) it describes the facts of the subjects (4) the researcher is as the key instrument in collecting the data. The subjects are 27 students of three classes of grade eleventh semester 2 at SMK Negeri 1 Singosari Malang 2007/2008 academic year. They are divided into three different levels elementary 5 elementary 3 and elementary 1. In this study the instruments used are direct observation a questionnaire for the students and interview guides for the students and the English teacher. From the findings it can be concluded that the students have some speaking problems which hamper them from expressing their ideas in the speaking class. The problems which occur in the speaking class are students-do-not-use-English and students-do-not-want-to-speak-English . To overcome the students speaking problems the teacher employs some teaching strategies e.i. giving instant reward giving information on the importance of English creating fun activities giving additional score providing list of words quoting words from the media (song newspaper magazine and etc.) drilling giving direct correction reading aloud training the students to think in English pair working and grouping techniques. Based on the research findings some suggestions are formulated in order to minimize students speaking problems. For the students they must follow the teacher s instructions well so that they can improve their speaking ability. They should be made aware that the teacher uses these strategies not only to minimize the problems occurred but also to improve their speaking skills. It is also hoped that the students are more active in the speaking class so that they can improve their speaking skills. In addition they must support one another in order to create a conducive learning atmosphere in the classroom which can stimulate motivation in improving their speaking skills. For the English teacher she must help students to minimize their speaking problems so that the speaking class may run well and achieve the target by employing the learning strategies well. The teacher should use proper strategies for each level based on the level of difficulties. The teacher should also create a joyful classroom atmosphere so that the students can learn and acquire the target language well. Since lack of vocabulary appears to be the problem 2 of students in every level the teacher has to be able to create appropriate strategies to encourage the students to learn and acquire more English words.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Ilmu Sosial (FIS) > Departemen Sosiologi > S1 Pendidikan Ilmu Pengetahuan Sosial
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 14 Apr 2008 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2008 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/140240

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