Improving the ability in writing hortatory exposition of the students of SMAN 12 Malang through outlining / Ana Maria - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Improving the ability in writing hortatory exposition of the students of SMAN 12 Malang through outlining / Ana Maria

Maria, Ana (2010) Improving the ability in writing hortatory exposition of the students of SMAN 12 Malang through outlining / Ana Maria. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Maria Ana. 2008. Improving the Ability in Writing Hortatory Exposition of SMAN 12 Malang through Outlining. Thesis Malang English Language Education Program English Department Faculty of Letters State University of Malang. Advisor Drs. Fachrurrazy M.A. Ph.D.. Key words writing outlining hortatory exposition Assisting students with written work continues to be a challenging task for today s teachers. What to write about often becomes the first problem of a student upon hearing that he or she must submit an essay to his or her teacher. The result of the preliminary study showed that the writing score of second graders in SMAN 12 Malang were in poor level. They did not make any plan while making a composition. Moreover the English teacher taught writing by simply assigning students to complete the missing part of a text or giving a homework to create a text based on a certain topic and then submit it in the following meeting. This implies that the teacher just emphasizes the students final product. This does not suit the idea of writing as a process which recognizes the importance of generating formulating and refining one s ideas. Among several the widely used techniques for generating and organizing ideas before writing implementing outlining strategy in prewriting phase can be done to overcome barriers to writing and then improve the quality of students writing. Thus the research problem was formulated as follows How can outlining improve students ability in writing hortatory exposition texts in SMAN 12 Malang This study which was attempted to improve the ability in writing of the students of SMAN 12 Malang in generating and organizing ideas through outlining was an action research with two cycles. Each cycle consisted of planning the action implementing the action observing the action and reflecting on the observation. This action research was conducted at SMAN 12 Malang which was located at Jl. Pahlawan Balearjosari. The XI-IPA 2 students of SMAN 12 Malang were chosen to be the researcher subjects because the researcher had been teaching them as a PPL teacher. Besides they were rarely absent from school. The data of the students progress were taken from pretest writing students writing products in Cycles 1 and 2 which were in the form of hortatory exposition texts. The students texts were all scored by a rater chosen by the researcher. The rater himself did not have any connection with the students. There were some procedures to be followed in implementing the outlining strategy. First the students were introduced to the outlining strategy. Second they were guided to brainstorm any details about a certain topic. Third they were assigned to make outline the topic of which was based on their personal interest. Fourth they were asked to revise their draft based on notes from the researcher or their peer. Fifth they underwent final editing before publishing their writings. The results of this study showed that outlining strategy was effectively improving the students writing ability. The improvement of the students writing ability could be seen from the result of the students writing which showed that they were able to create a hortatory exposition text which had sufficient details and strong arguments that supported the thesis statements and most of the students writing well served the generic structure of a hortatory exposition text. Based on the findings it can be concluded that through the implementation of outlining strategy the writing ability of the second grade students in SMAN 12 Malang improved. It was indicated by the fact that most of the students could achieved the good to average level in writing based on the scoring rubric used in this study. The mean score in terms of content improved from 2.68 (Cycle 1) to 3.39 (Cycle 2) and in terms of organization the mean score improved from 2.55 (Cycle 1) to 3.21 (Cycle 2). Both were in the interval score of 1 as the lowest and 4 as the best writing performance. In brief the writing ability of the second graders in SMAN 12 Malang has improved especially in content and organization. It is suggested for teachers and students to continue the use of outlining strategy in writing. For further researcher it is recommended to implement outlining strategy in teaching other types of text.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: library UM
Date Deposited: 01 Mar 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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