Pronunciation lapses of Korean hip hop rappers / Chory Trisa Yuanilasari - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Pronunciation lapses of Korean hip hop rappers / Chory Trisa Yuanilasari

Yuanilasari, Chory Trisa (2017) Pronunciation lapses of Korean hip hop rappers / Chory Trisa Yuanilasari. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Yuanilasari Chory Trisa. 2017. Pronunciation Lapses of Hip Hop Korean Rappers. Sarjana sThesis English Language and Literature Department of English Faculty of Letters Universitas Negeri Malang.Advisors (I) Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati M.A. (II) Dr. Suharyadi M.Pd. Key words Pronunciation Errors Korean rappers English Lyrics AAVE Lyrics. Different pronunciations are likely to lead to misunderstanding in the part of interlocutors. Nonetheless Korean rappers or singers for instance do not pay more attention when it comes to rapping and singing English as well as AAVE (African American Vernacular English) lyrics which cause mispronunciation. Therefore this study is conducted to undertake the pronunciation errors focused on segmental soundsproduced by Korean rappers in singing and rapping English lyrics as well as AAVE lyrics since Hip hop music will not be far from AAVE as the root of HHNL (Hip Hop Nation Language). The research design of this study is descriptive-qualitative. The procedures of this study are 1) collecting data 2) classifying English and AAVE lyrics among Korean lyrics 3) transcribing English and AAVE lyrics 4)classifying the English and AAVE lyrics the AAVE lyrics were analyzed based on the phonological features of AAVE by Rickford (1999) 5) validating the transcription by three inter-raters who have taken English phonology class and have same A grade 6)finding the mispronounced words and 7) analyzing them and draw a conclusion. The result of the analysis informs that there are 180 errors in pronouncing AAVE lyrics out of 541 AAVE lyrics and 855 errors of English lyrics out of 1.636 English lyrics. Errors in vowels consonants and diphthongs occurred in both AAVE and English lyrics. Vowels are the most frequent errors produced by Korean Rappers. There are 508 errors. Consonants are the second most frequent errors counted 267 errors and diphthongs are the last frequent errors counted 244 errors. Moreover the types of errors are Substitution (998) deletion (83) and insertion (54). In addition insertion only occurs in English lyrics From the findings the researcher concludes that Korean rappers have problems in pronouncing English and AAVE lyrics. The errors are possibly caused by the absence of some sounds in L1 and the similar sounds between English and Korean sounds since they are unable to distinguish them. The researcher suggests that this study can give information about the errors in segmental sounds that are mostly produced by Korean rappers. Meanwhile despite of providing the list of errors and its types as the references future studies may develop the relevant studies deeper especially on the aspect of supra segmental sounds.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Bahasa dan Sastra Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 29 Aug 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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