The implementation of the teaching of English for hotel at BLK Singosari / by Elza Chandra Irene - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The implementation of the teaching of English for hotel at BLK Singosari / by Elza Chandra Irene

Elza Chandra (2007) The implementation of the teaching of English for hotel at BLK Singosari / by Elza Chandra Irene. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Irene Elza chandra. 2002. T he Implementationo f the Teachingo f Englishf or Hotel at BLK singosariT. hesisE. nglishD epartmenFta cultyo f LettersS tate Universityo f Malang.A dvisors( l ) Dr. FachrurrazyM .A. (II) Dra.S ri Andreani M.A Key Words I mplementatioEn n glishf or Hotel B LK. This studyi s aimeda t describingth e implementationo f the teachingo f Englishf or Hotel at BLK Singosariin termso f instructionapl reparationt e aching techniquesin structionaml edia in structionaml aterialc lassroomm anagemenatn d evaluation. The researchd esigni s descriptivew th the specificationo n the exposefa cto researcwh hicht riest o getd escriptiown ithoutd atam anipulationT.h es ubjectosf this studyw eret hei nstructoor f Englishf or Hotela ndt hes tudentosf Hotelc lassa t BLK singosariM alang.T he instrumentsu sedt o collectt he dataw ereq uestionnaire interviewg uide o bservatiomn anuaal ndd ocumentatioTnh. ed atac ollectionw ash eld from Juneu ntil August2 002.T he datag ainedw erep resentedin the form of description. The findingso fthe studyr evealt hat the teachingp reparationd oneb y the instructori s a systematicte achingp reparationw hich coversa ll of the activitiesd one in thet eachinga ndl eamingp rocessT. he instructoer mploysli ttle variationisn teachingt h es amete chniqueasr er epeateadl l of thet ime.M anym ediaa rea vailable in BLK Singosarai ndt he instructomr akesu seo f them edraH. owevers. hed oesn ot use other media. The materialsg ivent o the studentsfo cuso n the dialoguesu sedi n theh otel field. The classroomm anagemendto neb y the instructoro nly coverst he processo f teachinga ndl earning.S hed id not makea nyv ariationi n the seatinga rrangement sincet he studentsc anm ovet o any seatt hey want to. The instructorn everv ariedt he activitiest hat allowedt hemt o haves eatsin groupd iscussionT. o evaluateth e studentsa chievementth e instructoro nly giveso net esta t the endo f the course. However t o find out the progresso fthe studentst h e instructord oesa n on-going evaluatiobna sedo n thes tudentsp erformanceT.h es tudentosf BLK Singosarvra ry in theire ducationabla ckgrounds o meo fthem ares eniorh ighs choogt raduatesso me ofthem graduatedfr om vocationasl choolsa nd someo thersa reD l graduateosf differenyt earso f graduation. Basedo n the findingsa bove i t is suggestetdh at it is importantt o create variationi n the teachingte chniquess ot hat the studentsw ill not get boreda ndt he variationsa rea imedt o keept he studentsm otivatedD evelopingm aterialf rom the existingm aterialcsa nb e oneo fthe alternativeasv ailableto enricht hes tudents knowledgea ndu nderstandingv.a nation is alson eededto inotivatet he students. Giving morea ttentionto pronunciationis really importantf or an instruotosr inces he is the model for ssttuuddieensot nss a p lelf oaarsk tpihneepgc sr ttosou ffdBiceLienKnt sAcs.o yisnr tg-oEo onstahgreltii hsrr iheans tsa etrareurn ccohttoe crrosiqstv u ie sar seliudfuig cyga tertrisoirtn est.tdhu adtyt h e e.gyc .t ohneduct

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 22 Jan 2007 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2007 03:00

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