A study on the teachers of English at SLTP Negeri 2 Krembung Kecamatan Krembung Kabupaten Sidoarjo / by Maria Yustina - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

A study on the teachers of English at SLTP Negeri 2 Krembung Kecamatan Krembung Kabupaten Sidoarjo / by Maria Yustina

Yustina, Maria (2006) A study on the teachers of English at SLTP Negeri 2 Krembung Kecamatan Krembung Kabupaten Sidoarjo / by Maria Yustina. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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AI STRACT Yustina Maria.2002. A Study on tlrc l eaclterso / ingli.rha t S[ 1 l)N egeri2 KrenthungK ecanatunK rentbungK ahupatenS it oarjoT hesisE. nglish DcpartmenFt.a cultyo [ LettersS. tateU niversitoyf MalangA. dvisor (I) Prof.D r. H. Ali SaukahM .A. (ll) Drs.A ndiMuhtarM .A. Key words t het eachinogf EnglishS LTPN this studya imeda t gettingin formationin deptha boutt heE nglishte acherast SLTPN egeri2 KrernbungK ecarnataKnr ernbungK abupateSn idoarjoa ndh owt hey conductth et eachinagn dl earningp rocesslt. includetsh eq ualificatioonf theE nglish teachersth ei nstructionaml ateriaol r textbooku sedb y thet eachersth ei nstructional lnediau sedb y thet eaclrersa n dt hei nstructionatel chniqueuss edb y tltet eachers. Thiss tudyis categorizeads q ualitalivbee causiet i s intendetdo describteh e Englishte acherasn dt het eachinga ndl earningE nglisha t SL IPN egeri2 Krembung. Thes ourceos fthis studya rea ll ofthe Englisht eacherws hot eacht hc first t he seconda ndt he third grades tudentso f SLTPN egeri2 Krembung .I he instruments usedt o collectt hed ataa rei nterviewa ndo bservation. Thef indingso fthe studyr eveatl hat( l) all ofthe Englisht eacherast SLTP Negerr2 Krernbungh aveg oodq ualifications incet heya reg raduatefdio rn S-l degree of EnglishD epartrnenAt.l l of themh aved ifferenet xperienceins teachingI.n additiont h eys eldornjo ineds omea ctivitiesto increasteh eirp rofessionalisernxc ept activitiesw hich arec ornpulsoryfo r them sucha sS ubjectT eacherC onferencea nd ScrviceT raining( 2) therea rce ightk indso ftextbooku seda st hei nstructional materialb utn oneo f thet eacheruss eda ll olthem in theirl lnglisht eachingT. herea re threel eacherrsv hou sedm oret hano neb ooki n theirt eachingw hereatsh eo thero nc usedo nlyo neb ooki n hert eaching( 3 ) the instructionaml ediao flenu sgtbylhe-- -- teacherisn theirE ngtishte achinga ret aper ecordear ndc halkboarbd- ecausthee s chool hasl irnitedm ediab ut therea ret wo teacherrsv hot riedt o useo therm ediab esidetsh e rnediap rovidedb y the schoolT herei s alsoa teachewr hoo nlyu sedt aper ecorder andc halkboardin his teachingW. hereastl re othert eachenr everu sedm ediai n her Englishte aching( 4 ) thei nstructionatel chniqueuss eda rev ariouss incea ll teachers oftenu seda t leastt hreek inds oftechniquen amelyg roupr vork d iscussiona nd lecturingte chniqueA. mongt hoset eachertsh erea ret hreet eacherws ho useds ome othert echniquebse sidetsh oset hreet echniquensa rnelyg ames onga ndr olep laying. Whcreasth e othert eachero nly usedt hoset hrcck indso f techniquein her teaching. Basedo n the findingsa bove s omes uggestionto improvet he English teachinga ndl earninga t SLTPN egeri2 Krembunga reg ivena sf ollows ( 1) all of the Englisht eachersa res uggestetdo join somes eminarsb esidesjo irring some compulsorayc tivitiesI.t aimst o increasteh eirp rofessionalism(2 ) thet eacherr v ho usedo nly oneb ook in her teachings houldu seo neo r two supplementarbyo okss o thatt he studentsw ill get muchk nowledge( 3) the teacherr v lrod id not useo ther mediae xceptt he rnediap rovidedb y the school i s suggestetdo useo therm ediat o attracth e studentsa ttentiona ndi naket he teachinga ndl earninge asysI.t is also necessafroyr thet eacherw hod id notu sea nym ediai n hert eachingt o uses ome mediaI.t aimst o maket he studentsg et a betteru nderstandintgo wardst he lesson besideast tractingth eira ttention( 4 ) it is alsos uggestefdo r thet eacherr v hou sed onlyt hreek indso f techniqueto uses omeo thert echniquesso t hatt hes fudentlsv ill notg etb orede asilyi n studyingE nglish( 5) theh eadmastesrh ouldp rovidem ore variousm ediat o supportth et eachinga ndl earningp rocess( 6 ) thef uturer eseachers ares uggestetdo conducat researcwh hichh asn ot beend oneb v ther esearcher. lI v l

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2006 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2006 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/10509

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