English proficiency of freshmen with different backgrounds of study at the English Department of State University of Malang / by Lailatul Hasanah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

English proficiency of freshmen with different backgrounds of study at the English Department of State University of Malang / by Lailatul Hasanah

Hasanah, Lailatul (2006) English proficiency of freshmen with different backgrounds of study at the English Department of State University of Malang / by Lailatul Hasanah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT HasanaLha ilatul.2 002.E ngltshP roficiencyo f Freshmenw ith Di brent Bockgroundosf Studya t theE nglishD epartmenot f StateU niversitytl MalangT. hesisE nglishD epartmentF acultyo f Letters S tateU niversityo f MalangA. dvisors( I ) Drs.H . M. Sudja iM . A. (II) Dra.S inthaT resnadewi M.Pd Keyw ords S tudentsE n glishp roficiencyb a ckgrounodf study Thes tudent sc lassificationisn fte 1994c urriculumd ifferentiateth e students intot kee programos f study I PA lPS a ndB AHASA. Sincet herea red ifferent objectiveosf eachp rogramt h et ime allocationo f Englishf or eachp rogramis also differenTt.h isr aisesa questionw hethert herei s anys ignificanEt nglishp roficiency differenceosf thes tudentos f differentp rogramso f study. Thes tudyi s intendedt o investigatew hethert herei s any significantE nglish proficiencyd ifferencea mongt he studentsf rom different backgroundo fstudy as measurebdy TOEFL scoresa nda sp erceivedb y the studentsth emselves. By using the TOEFL scored ocurnentationa nd interviews t he dataw ere collectefdr om thef reshmeno f the EnglishD epartmenot f StateU niversityo f Malang whow erea cceptedin 2001. The populationw ere 90 students.I t consistedo f three groupsE. achg roup representedth e study program graduatesn amely the IPA graduatesth e IPS graduatesa nd the bahasag raduatesT. hen the researchetro ok 20 samplesfr om eachg roup by applying sfratifiedr andom sampling.Thew riter took 12 studentsfr om eachg roup as respondentsfo r the interview randomly. The daA fiom TOEFL test were analyzed by using one-way ANOVA and were followed by the post-hocte st. The dataf rom the interview were ana lyzeda ndp resentedin a descriptivew ay. The researchf indings from the data analyzedb y using one-wayA NOVA showedth at therew as no significant English proficiency differencea mongt he three groupsF. romt he computationw ith the SSb etween 3768.4 SSw ithin 160520.45 MSb etween 1884.2M S within 2816.15 d f of 2 and5 7 ando 0.05 it was found in F table that the value of F 3 .162 the F-ratio (0.7) was smaller than the Fvalue. It means there is no significant EngJish proficiency difference among the three groups.T he post hoc test then follows the ANOVA calculation.T he result of the HSD test was 40.42. Since the mean differences between each group were smaller than 40 .42 it is concluded that there was no sipificant English Proficiency differencea mongt he threep rogramso f study graduatesF. ur0rermore t he null hypothesicsa nnotb e rejectedb ut accepted. From the result of the interview 58.3% of the respondentsa nsweredt hat the programosf studyw ere not the major factorst hat influencedt he English proficiency. Alrnosat ll of thema rguedt hat the English teachersw ere the most importantf actor whichc and etermineth e students E nglish proficiency. Furthermore a s many as 91. 70/oof ther espondents tatedt hat they took English Departmento f State Umversitoyf Malang sincet hey knew that it was the best English Departrnent.T hey wantedto get betterE nglish proficiency and goodj obs after they graduatel rom the EnglishD epartment. Finally b asedo n the resultsa bove i t is suggestedf i rst to the curriculum implementethr att ley shouldc onsiderm ore how to specify the studentst n accordanctoe achievet he objectiveo fthe study. Second t he English teacherm ust promotea sfiongerm otivation for a better achievemenot f the students.T hird the studentms usth aveh igh motivation and self-confidencet o acquireE nglish better and reachth eiri deals.F ourth t he studentss houldf ind their own learning strategy.F ifth further esearchin volving bigger populationo f other institutionsf or more precise resultsc ouldb e carriedo ut. Sixth a study on the English proficiency ofdifferent studentsg enderm ight be carriedo ut. Seventh t he next researcherm ay conduct researcohn thec orrclaliono flearning shategiesa ndt hc EnglishP roficiencyE. ighth a studyo n tle irnplicationo f rneaningfulnesasp proacho f the l994 Englis

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 06 Dec 2006 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2006 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/10503

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