Teaching and learning English at SLTP Terbuka Sawahan Nganjuk / by Iis Nur Rodliyah - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Teaching and learning English at SLTP Terbuka Sawahan Nganjuk / by Iis Nur Rodliyah

Rodliyah, Iis Nur (2006) Teaching and learning English at SLTP Terbuka Sawahan Nganjuk / by Iis Nur Rodliyah. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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SLTPTerbuka (openjuniorhighschool)wasestablishedbecausethe govemmenat ttemptsro p.ouid educationfo r childrena t the ageo f I l-18 yearso ld iuhou r. disadvantagebde causeo f financialp roblem g eographicaclo nditiona ndt he inflexibles chedulaet regulaSr LTP( unior highs chool)S. LTPT erbukais a subsystemo f formajl uniort rigtrs choowl hichu sesth es amec urriculuma st hato f regular iLTP. Ho uer therea res omed ifferencesb etweenth e two This studyw asa cases tudyw hich investigatetdh e teachinga ndl earning procesosf Engliih at thes econdy earo fSLTPT erbukaS awahaNn ganjukth at inctuded( l ) them ateriaul sed( 2 ) thes yllabus( 3 ) thet eachingte chnique(s4 ) the teachers iualificatio(n5 ) thes tudentsle arninga ctivitiesin thec lassroom(6 ) the studentish aracteristicasn c(l 7) thes tudentsa c hievemenint English Interviewq uestionnairoeb servationd o cumentatioann dt esta reu sedto obtaint hed ataf romt hes ourceosf datat hati ncluded( ) theE nglishm odulesfo r cAwu III of thes econdy earo f SLTPT erbuka( 2 ) thes yllabus( 3 ) theE nglish teachingte chnique(4 ) theh eadmaste(r5 ) two supewisotre acherosf English( 6 ) the studentoi f the secondy earo f SLTPT erbukaS awahanN ganjuk Thes tudyp resenttsh ef ollowingf inding ( 1) TheE nglishm ateriaflo r SLTP Terbukais thes amea st heo nef or regulaSr LTP.T hem ateriails presenteidn the formo f modulesw hicha rep rovidedw ith preinstructionaacl tivitiesl e arning materialse. xerciseas ndt estf or students selef valuationH. owevert h erea rem any mistypedw ordse speciallyE nglishw ordsi n the modulesa nds omei llustrationsa re not ctlar (2) The iyllabus used at SLTP Terbuka is the same as the one used at regularS LTi (3) ihe teachingte chniqueus sedb y the Englisht eachersw erel ecture qu-estioann da nswert r anslationa ndg ivinga ssignmenBt.o tht he teacherds id not uset eachingm ediaa ndn evert aughtth es tudentlsis tening( 4 ) Althoughm ajoredin English t he Englishs upervisotre acherso f the SLTPT erbukad o not havea quality aniknowledgelo be an Englisht eacherin distanceo r opene ducationa ndt heyh ave otherm ainj o-bsin steado f teachinga t SLTPT erbuka ( 5) The studentsw erem ostly passived uringt he teachinga ndl earningp rocessin the classroom( 6 ) The students ares tatee lemintaryg raduatews hosea gea ree qualt o the studentso fregularS LTP. sIntu ledaya rtn hinogmt h ee ( s7e)s T tuhdee sntutsdsee enmtsna o ctht oie hvaevmeae nsinte Ensneog lfi rsehws peorenl soiwb.i litfyo r doings erf- Tprhoecg eosvTosehf r eEnf nmoglelloinsswthh aio nt ugssrL udrTeg p-g ereevsrabtiluouknaaasltrebhe aoe psf fereodroge nrd ttaoh m eoim m f cpeornontvcioeltunh ceettdt iienn sagdrc _inh-grin srpgeaTi .nhtd eir yera rararer en (l r tan )tged to thea mounto f thep rovidedfu nda ndt hei cchnicapl rcparatiotno conducst LTp TerbukaTl hec onsidcratioonn funda ndt echnicapl reparatioins relatedto the lmspcfi umatluuaelcblpdkyaelr.eier-isoat lt nhjhlvous te.he-ssLet famie tTdanrva cPace oeceltnt oTra ioh dotfes i benfnrsaebrsg(rat cmu o3o n ik )olpodr Tamrtr mr i oh(eee2 daeea s)ttuce r T een tcthiaaieivnqnecc egugE .fihh noo a iend nrdrrg aiusgmosfrishr eiieenksodrdihmgau n tsi htraogh tsdabehd oL nei uenuTdt tr rdrtepe adobeas wr i hepen cii cterehrhbaendet unirt od reoeok etaf ha emuoncme airthil rs ycosepet hertyrd teiarsprnsif etn des uemaditdcsuos b.c t dro eaeonyifnsaurco Jcs neert ueref td 6uebrn (uw elea4o shr r ) enm tTotr ghw hneeotgor k difficultiesth atw eref oundd uringt heiri iependenst tudy.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2006 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2006 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/10490

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