Information gap activities to improve the speaking skill of the eight graders of SMP 1 Mojosari Mojokerto / Rhima Holida Nurmala - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

Information gap activities to improve the speaking skill of the eight graders of SMP 1 Mojosari Mojokerto / Rhima Holida Nurmala

Nurmala, Rhima Holida (2017) Information gap activities to improve the speaking skill of the eight graders of SMP 1 Mojosari Mojokerto / Rhima Holida Nurmala. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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ABSTRACT Nurmala Rhima H. 2017. Information Gap Activities to Improve the Speaking Skill of the Eighth Graders of SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. Thesis Department of English Faculty of Letters State University of Malang. Advisors 1) Drs. Andi Muhtar M.A. 2) Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati M.A. Key words Speaking skill information gap students improvement in speaking skill students participation This study was conducted to know the improvement of students speaking skill when some information gap activities were implemented in the eighth grade of SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. Information gap is one of strategy that is used to teach speaking. In information gap one person has information while another person does not. They share or exchange their information one another in order to complete the same task. There were four kinds of activities that were implemented in this study 1) drawing dictation in which the focus of this activity was giving instructions asking for clarification and describing a picture or scene 2) visual prompts and oral clues which focused on asking yes or no questions 3) graphic organizers and oral clues which focused on sharing and recording details and 4) mingle activities that focused on asking and answering questions. This study focused on the improvement of students speaking skill and the students participation which were done in six meetings. The texts that were used in this study were descriptive and recount text. The method used in this study was Classroom Action Research (CAR). The study proceeded in four steps including planning implementing observing and reflecting as the procedure to conduct this study. The researcher was a teacher at the same time during the study. The researcher applied collaborative action research in which the researcher was helped by the English teacher who acted as the collaborator. The subjects of this study were the eighth grade students of SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. The instruments that were used to collect data were students questionnaire students speaking test in preliminary study interview guide field notes students participation point observation checklist for class active participation and students speaking test in the end of cycle. The students speaking test in preliminary study was used to know the students basic ability in speaking. The questionnaire and the interview guide were used to know the problems which were faced by the students and the teacher in class especially in speaking. Field notes contained the description of the process of learning and teaching in class. It contained the activity and also the students behavior. Students participation points were used to know the participation of the students (individually) while learning English especially in speaking. Next observation checklist for class active participation was used to know the whole class active participation in learning and teaching process. Last students speaking test in the end of cycle was used to know the improvement of students speaking skill. The findings of this study showed that the students speaking skill improved when some kinds of information gap activities were implemented. It was in line with the students participation in class. All of the activities really helped the students to improve their speaking skill. With some activities of information gap students had more chances to speak. The good benefit of implementing several information gap activities was students did not feel bored doing the activity because they felt like they were playing a game while completing the task. The activities made the students more active and initiative in creating or producing some spoken text. It also made the students familiar with group work or group discussion. Another thing was students did not feel bored with the activity in every meeting. It was because the activities were always different in each meeting. The students felt like they had a new experience in every meeting. In addition students improvement in grammar increased better as well. Information gap improved the students speaking skill. All the students achieved the expected score that was set before. And the students participation was considered as very good because almost all students involve in learning process in every meeting. There are some suggestions that are addressed to English teacher. First the teacher could use other kind of information gap activities to teach speaking. Second the teacher should be creative in making a speaking class so students will not feel bored. Third the teacher could use some conducting media that can make the students interested in speaking class. Fourth the teacher should make some heterogeneous groups which consist both of lower and higher level of students. Fifth the teacher should teach grammar. Last the teacher should engage or motivate the students to speak more in class. There are some suggestions that are addressed to further researchers. First researchers better to add more cycles to make the result of the study reach its maximum. Second researchers should make the speaking test for the preliminary study and speaking test in the end of the cycle in line with the information gap activities. Third researchers should try to use other kind of information gap activities to teach speaking with using some good instructional media. Fourth researchers should add a questionnaire or interview for the English teacher or the students as a reflection in the end of the study in order to know the students and the English teacher response toward the implementation. Last researchers should try to investigate the use of information gap activities in Elementary school Senior High School or even university. ABSTRAK Nurmala Rhima H. 2017. Information Gap Activities untuk Meningkatkan Kemampuan Berbicara Siswa Kelas Delapan SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. Skripsi Jurusan Sastra Inggris Fakultas Sastra Universitas Negeri Malang. Pembimbing 1) Drs. Andi Muhtar M.A. 2) Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati M.A. Kata kunci Kemampuan berbicara information gap peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa partisipasi siswa Penelitian ini ditujukan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berbicara siswa pada saat beberapa aktivitas information gap diimplementasikan di kelas delapan SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. Information gap merupakan salah satu strategi untuk mengajarkan kemampuan berbicara. Pada information gap seseorang memiliki informasi sedangkan orang yang lain tidak. Mereka kemudian berbagi atau bertukar informasi yang mereka miliki untuk menyelesaikan sebuah tugas yang sama. Ada empat macam aktivitas dari information gap dalam penelitian ini yaitu (1) drawing dictation yang berfokus pada memberikanninstruksi mengklarifikasi dan mendeskripsikan gambar atau tempat (2) visual prompts dan oral clues yang berfokus pada menanyakan pertanyaan dengan jawaban iya atau tidak (3) graphic organizers dan oral clues yang berfokus pada membagi dan merekam detail informasi serta (4) mingle activity yang berfokus pada bertanya dan menjawab pertanyaan. Penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui peningkatan kemampuan berbicara dan partisipasi siswa yang dilaksanakan dalam enam kali pertemuan. Jenis teks yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah deskriptif dan teks recount. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah Penelitian Tindakan Kelas (PTK). Penelitian ini menggunakan empat tahap meliputi perencanaan pengimplementasian pengamatan dan refleksi sebagai prosedur dalam mengadakan penelitian. Pada saat yang bersamaan dengan penelitian peneliti menjadi guru. Peneliti mengaplikasikan penelitian tindakan secara kolaboratif dimana peneliti dibantu oleh guru bahasa Inggris yang bertindak sebagai kolaborator. Subjek penelitian dalam penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMPN 1 Mojosari Mojokerto. Instrumen yang digunakan dalam pengumpulan data meliputi tes kemampuan berbicara sebelum penelitian dimulai angket untuk siswa panduan wawancara catatan harian poin partisipasi siswa lembar observasi untuk keaktifan kelas dan tes kemampuan berbicara untuk siswa di akhir penelitian. Tes kemampuan berbicara sebelum pelaksanaan penelitian bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan dasar siswa. Angket dan panduan wawancara digunakan untuk mengetahui masalah yang dihadapi oleh siswa dan guru dalam proses belajar khususnya pada kemampuan berbicara. Catatan harian berisi deskripsi dari proses belajar mengajar di kelas. Isinyaa dalah aktivitas dan tindakan siswa. Poin partisipasi siswa digunakan untuk mengetahui partisipasi siswa secara individu ketika belajar bahasa Inggris khususnya pada kemampuan berbicara. Kemudian lembar observasi digunakan untuk mengetahui partisipasi siswa secara umum dalam kelas selama proses belajar mengajar. Terakhir tes kemampuan berbicara di akhir penelitian digunakan untuk mengetahui perkembangan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Penemuan dari penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan siswa dalam berbicara meningkat ketika beberapa aktivitas dari information gap diimplementasikan. Hal ini sejalan dengan partisipasi siswa di kelas. Semua aktivitas dari information gap membantu siswa untuk meningkatkan kemampuan berbicaranya. Dengan menggunakan beberapa macam dari information gap siswa memiliki banyak kesempatan untuk berbicara. Keuntungan dari pengimplementasian ini adalah siswa tidak merasa bosan saat melakukan aktivitas karena mereka merasa sedang bermain ketika menyelesaikan tugas. Semua kegiatannya membuat siswa lebih aktif dan inisiatif dalam membuat teks dalam bentuk lisan. Aktivitas-aktivitas dari information gap juga membuat siswa terbiasa dengan kerja kelompok atau diskusi dalam kelompok. Hal lain yang menjadi sebuah keuntungan adalah siswa tidak merasa bosan dengan aktivitas di setiap pertemuan. Siswa akan merasakan hal baru di setiap pertemuan. Ditambah lagi kemampuan siswa dalam penggunaan grammar juga meningkat. Information gap meningkatkan kemampuan berbicara siswa. Semua siswa dapat mencapai nilai yang telah diekspektasikan sebelumnya. Partisipasi siswa juga dikatakan sangat baik. Hampir semua siswa terlibat dalam kegiatan belajar di setiap pertemuan. Ada beberapa saran yang ditujukan kepada guru Bahasa Inggris. Pertama guru harus menggunakan jenis lain dari aktivitas information gap untuk mengajar kemampuan berbicara. Kedua guru harus kreatif dalam membuat kelas berbicara. Ketiga guru dapat menggunakan media yang bisa membuat siswa tertarik untuk belajar berbicara. Keempat guru harus membuat kelompok yang heterogenus yang terdiri dari siswa yang berkemampuan rendah dan berkemampuan tinggi. Kelima guru harus mengajarkan grammar. Terakhir guru harus memotivasi siswa untuk terus berbicara di dalam kelas. Ada pula beberapa saran yang ditujukan kepada peneliti selanjutnya. Pertama Peneliti lebih baik menambah cycles agar hasil lebih maksimal. Kedua peneliti harus membuat tes kemampuan berbicara di awal dan di akhir penelitian sejalan dengan aktifitas information gap. Ketiga peneliti dapat menggunakan jenis lain dari aktifitas information gap menggunakan media yang menarik. Keempat peneliti harus menambahkan kuisioner atau interview untuk guru dan siswa dengan tujuan untuk mengetahui respon dari sudut pandang mereka terhadap pengimplementasian aktifitas information gap. Terakhir peneliti dapat menginfestigasi penggunaan aktifitas information gap di Sekolah Dasar Sekolah Menengah Atas atau bahkan di tingkat Universitas. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS First of all the writer would like to express her greatest gratitude to The Almighty Allah SWT for all His mercy and blessings so she could finish her thesis well. There are many people who were always there for the writer whether in a good or bad condition helped and supported her to accomplish this thesis well. The writer would like to thank all those people. May Allah SWT will always bless them in every step of their life and always give them all the goodness in this world. A special gratitude is given to the writer s parents Zainal Arifin and Ismawati who never stop to make Du a and give supports in many ways. The writer thanks them for all the love cares and everything. The writer also would say thanks to the writer s older brother and sister Cacep Riza Irwana and Nonis Utami Chosnina and the writer s younger sister Wahyu Rizqi Amalia who always gave their motivation to the writer so that she could finish this thesis as soon as possible. The writer also wants to give her gratitude to Yusana Intiyaswati who always treated the writer like her own child when the writer spent her college life in Malang. The writer would like to offer the biggest gratitude to both the writer s advisors Drs. Andi Muhtar M.A and Dr. Mirjam Anugerahwati M.A and the writer s examiner Dr. Sintha Tresnadewi M.Pd who always gave advice guidance help supports and motivation with all of their heart during the process of writing this thesis so that this thesis could be finished well. The next gratitude is given to the headmaster of SMPN 1 Mojosari Didik Mujiantoro S.Pd. SE. M.MPd and the English teacher of 8D Rodiyah M.Ed who gave the opportunity to the writer to conduct the study and helped the writer in many ways. The writer also thanks all the 8D students of SMPN 1 Mojosari who helped the writer so much. Last but not least the writer would like to send the warmest thanks to all the writer s friends Septa Widya Etika Nur Imaya Nabilah who has accompanied the writer for almost these 15 years Falah Nirmala who always gave her supports Choirinnisa Nufika Rahmadani Dini Nur Afifah Hany Noviya and Ruri Octaviani who always accompanied and helped the writer in so many ways since the first time of college life also Ajrin Khoirina Cindy Viona Rusbi Chrestella and Lutfiati Mustighfarin who always gave their support and motivation endlessly so that the writer could accomplish this thesis. The Writer Rhima Holida Nurmala TABLE OF CONTENTS Page ABSTRACTi ABSTRAKiii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTvi TABLE OF CONTENTSvii LIST OF TABLESix LIST OF FIGURESx LIST OF APPENDICESxi CHAPTER IINTRODUCTION 1.1 Background of the Study1 1.2 Research Problem 8 1.3 Significance of the Study8 1.4 Scope of the Study8 1.5 Definitions of the Key Terms9 CHAPTER IIRESEARCH METHOD 2.1 Research Design11 2.2 Research Setting and Subjects13 2.3 Data Collection13 2.4 Data Analysis15 2.5 Instruments16 2.5.1 Questionnaire 16 2.5.2 Students Speaking Test in Preliminary Study ...... 16 2.5.3 Interview Guide 17 2.5.4 Field Notes17 2.5.5 Students Participation Points18 2.5.6 Observation Checklist for Class Active Participation18 2.5.7 Students Speaking Test in the End of Cycle19 2.6 Research Procedure20 2.6.1 Preliminary Study20 2.6.2 Planning21 Schedules21 2.6.2.Lesson Plan23 2.6.2.Media23 of Success23 2.6.2 Implementing25 2.6.3 Observing26 2.6.4 Reflecting27 CHAPTER IIIRESEARCH FINDINGS 3.1 The Improvement of Students Speaking Skill28 3.2 The Improvement of Students Speaking Participation32 3.3 The Improvement of Students Grammar in Speaking35 CHAPTER IVDISSCUSSION 4.1 The Improvement of Students Speaking Skill38 4.2 The Improvement of Students Speaking Participation41 4.3 The Improvement of Students Grammar in Speaking42 4.4 The Limitation of the Study45 CHAPTER VCONCLUSION AND SUGGESTIONS 5.1 Conclusion47 5.2 Suggestions49 REFERENCES51 APPENDICES54 CURRICULUM VITAE149 8195 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 2.1The Meeting Schedule21 3.1The Result of Lower Group s Speaking Score29 3.2The Result of Middle Group s Speaking Score29 3.3The Result of Lower Group s Speaking Score29 LIST OF FIGURES Figure 2.1The Action Research Design following Kemmis S. Mc. Taggert R (1998) as cited in Latief (201412 3.1Students Individual Participation which Gained from the Points33 3.2The Result of Observation Checklist for Class Active Participation34 LIST OF APPENDICES AppendixPage Appendix 1A. Students Questionnaire54 Appendix 1BExpert Validation Rubric of Students Questionnaire in Preliminary Study56 Appendix 1C.The Result of Students Questionnaire57 Appendix 1D.The Result of Students Questionnaire. 59 Appendix 2A.Students Speaking Test in Preliminary Study61 Appendix 2B.The Transcription of Students Speaking Test in Preliminary Study. 62 Appendix 2C.The Transcription of Students Speaking Test in Preliminary Study 63 Appendix 3.Speaking Rubric 64 Appendix 4A.Students Speaking Score in Preliminary Study67 Appendix 4B.The Distribution of Students Group68 Appendix 5A.Interview Guide69 Appendix 5B.Expert Validation Rubric of the Teacher s Interview Guideline in Preliminary Study70 Appendix 5C.Teacher s Interview Transcription71 Appendix 6.Field Notes74 Appendix 7.The Result of Students Participation Points86 Appendix 8A.The Result of Observation Checklist of Students Participation of 8D SMPN 1 Mojosari from the English Teacher87 Appendix 8B.The Result of Observation Checklist of Students Participation of 8D SMPN 1 Mojosari from the Researcher93 Appendix 9A.The Students Speaking Test in the End of the Cycle99 Appendix 9B.Expert Validation Rubric of Students Final Test102 Appendix 9C.The Transcription of Students Speaking Test in the End of Cycle..103 Appendix 10.Lesson Plan 105 Appendix 11A.The Students Speaking Test Score in the End of Cycle from the Researcher. 142 Appendix 11B.The Students Speaking Test Score in the End of Cycle from the English Teacher as the Rater143 Appendix 11C.The Students Final Score of Speaking Test in the End of Cycle.... 144 Appendix 11D.The Students Final Score Compared with the KKM and the Expected Score145 Appendix 12.Students Participation Score146 Appendix 13.Documentation 147 Appendix 14.Letter of Permission from SMPN 1 Mojosari 148

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: L Education > LB Theory and practice of education > LB1603 Secondary Education. High schools
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
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Date Deposited: 06 Jul 2017 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2017 03:00

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