The using songs in teaching and learning english at SDN Mayangan IV Probolinggo by Widya Paramita - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

The using songs in teaching and learning english at SDN Mayangan IV Probolinggo by Widya Paramita

Paramita, Widya (2010) The using songs in teaching and learning english at SDN Mayangan IV Probolinggo by Widya Paramita. Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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karning Englisha sf oreignl anguagec ouldb e a problemf or Indonesian studentsi ncet herea rem anyd ifferencebs etweenb othl anguagesT.o overcometh is problem t he governmenits zuedt he decreeo f the Minister of Educationa nd Cultures no 060/U l 1993i n the 1994c urriculumT. he decreein cludesE nglisha sl ocalc ontent subjects ot hatt he studentsc ouldl earnE nglishi n earlya ges. Sincet eachingE nglisht o youngl earnersis not easy a nE nglisht eacher shouldh avev ariousw aysi n presentingth e lessona nd stimulatingt he students interesitn English.T hereforet h eE nglisht eacherns eedi nstructionaml ediat o help themd eliveringth e informationO. neo f thei nstructionaml ediat hatc anb e easily useda ndi nexpensivies song.M anyp eopleb elievet hat songsc ana rouseth e studentsi n teresat ndh elpt lrernt o cornprehentdh e lessona t the sarneti rne. A lot ofstudiesc onnectewd ith the songsh aveb eenc onducteda ndt his study is oneo f them.T his studyi s a descriptives tudyi n the useo f songsin teachinga nd learningE nglishc omprising(1 ) songsth ata reu sedi n teachinga ndl earningE nglish (2) howt he songsa reu seda si nstructionaml ediai n teachinga ndl eamingE nglish (3) the effectivenesosf usings ongsin teachinga ndl eamingE nglish a nd( 4) the studentsa ttitudeto wardsE nglish.I t wasc onductedfr om Novembe2r 003t o February2 004t o the fourth grades tudentsa ndt he Englisht eachero f SDN MayanganIV ProbolinggoT. he dataw ere collectedf rom the interview questionnairesa n do bservationt h en analyzedd escriptively. Basedo n the researchfi ndings i t wasf ound that the teacheru sedn ine songs for elevent opicsi n thet extbookT. he songsth atw ereu sedin teachinga ndl eaming Englishh ada lreadyfu lfilled the criteriar equiredb y thet eacherA. ccordingto the teachert h e songss houldr natchw ith thet opic h avea n easya ndf uir rhythrnn ot be tool ong a ndb ef amiliart o thes tudents. In presentingth e songst h et eacheur sedg enerasl tepsw riting the songso n theb lackboards i ngt he songss everatli mesb eforet hes tudentrse peata fterh im dividedth ec lassin tog roupsa nda skt hernt o singe achl ineo fthe songa ndt hent he teachewr ouldg ivet herna ctivitiesr elatedt o the songsG. anresg roupa ctivities physicaml ovementt r anslationa ndd eletionw ordsa ret hea ctivitiest hata reu sually done with the songs. Frornt hei nterviewi t wasf oundt hatt hes ongsw eree ffectivein teachinagr d learningE nglish.F una ndr elaxs ituationa rousedth e studentsi n teresat ndt het eacher alsof elt it wasv eryh elpful.B y usings ongsh e coulds avet ime ande xplaint he

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Aug 2010 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2010 03:00

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