A literary study on the major characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" viewed from psychological aspects / by Muhammad Ahsanu" - Repositori Universitas Negeri Malang

A literary study on the major characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" viewed from psychological aspects / by Muhammad Ahsanu"

Ahsanu, Muhammad (2006) A literary study on the major characters of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice" viewed from psychological aspects / by Muhammad Ahsanu". Diploma thesis, Universitas Negeri Malang.

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Thisi s a literarys tudys eenf rom psychologicaals pectsW. e all knowt hat literaturer eflectst he life of humanb eings rliteratureis concemedw ith thoughts feelingsb ehavioro r attitude.W e t hroughl iteraturee speciallyn ovel c ane nrich ande nlargeo ur experiencea ndi nterpretatioonf life. ln this study t he writer analysesJ aneA usten sn ovele ntitled l ride and Prejudice .H e triest o studya boutt he four majorc haracters(iF itzwilliamD arcy ElizabethB ennet M r. Benneta ndM rs. Bennet )p ersonalityr e feningt o theirt rait types b asedo n the two dimensionacl lassificationo f personality-introversionexfoversiona nds tablea ndu nstableT. he introverted-stabgler oupc onsistso l passivec a refult h oughtfulp eacefucl o ntrolledr e liablee ven cmpereadn dc alm thei ntroverted-unstacbolen sistosf moodya nxiousr i gid s oberp essimistic reserveudn sociablea n dq uiet w hilet hee xtroverted-stacbolen sistosl sociable outgoingta lkativer e sponsivea sygoingli v ely c arefreea n dl eadershipth e extoverted-unstacbolen sistosf touchy r estlessa g gressivcex citablec h angeable impulsiveo p timistica nda ctive. Thew riter i n hist hesisp ressnthsi sp roblemosf thes tudyt h ati s I-lowa re thev eryc onditionso fthe majorc haractersp ersonalityin relationt o Eysenckltsr aitffi theory on personality In the discussiono fthis analysist h e writer wantst o portrayt het rait typeso f thef our majorc haracterms entioneda bove a ndc lassifya ndd well upont hem accurateloyn thet ypeso fthe trait to whicht heyb elongo n the groundo ftheir given rolesin thec ourseo fthe storyi n then ovel. In applyingh isa nalysisth ew ritere mploysa qualitativere searcha ndu ses descriptioans hist echniquoef his analysish e collectsth ed atab y usingli brary researcmh etho -gatherintgh e datat iom the placet o supporht is work.T hed ataa re attainedfr om the primarys ourcet h e noveli tselfe ntitledl ride andP rejudiceby JaneA usten h e useso bjectivea nalysis-analyzintgh e majorc haractersv e rys tates fromp sychologicaals pectsh e choosetsh et heorieso fpsychologys pecifically referringto thet rait-typeth eoryo f personalityb y HansJ urgenE ysenck.H. e meansto seet hem ajorc haracterisn termso f their trait-typed imensionh e compilesr e adsa nd takess omeq uotationsth atd ealw ith the problem.H e thene laboratetsh emb y showingt he facts showingh ow the theoryw orks giving comments s ummarizingth e findin-gesfat enrd g ivingt he generacl omments finishingt his analysist h e writer obtainsa descriptionth atp eople (representebdy the studiedm ajorc haractersa)r eo fdifferent personalities speoificattoyf diff r nt trait types.T he majorc haracterst r ait typesa rea sf ollows (i) fitzritiiam Darcyi s of five trait-typesr i gid reservedu nsociablec o ntrolleda nd i.rponriu . Basically h e is saidt o be an introvert a nd( 2) ElizabethB ennetis of eurnt uit-typ s opimistic responsiveto uchy m oody a nxioust h oughtfula nd controlledB. asicaliy s hei s saidt o be an extrovert( 3) Mr. Benneti s of threet raittypesr eservedc o ntrolleda ndr esponsiveB. asicallyh e is saidt o be an introvert (4) Mrs.B enneti s of six trait-typese xcitablei m pulsive t ouchy r esponsivem oody anda nxiousP. rincipallys h l iss aidt o bea ne xtrovertB. y knowings omeonet sra it types p- eoplea ccordinglyc anc onvenienrliyn teractw ith him Eventuatlyt h e witer hopesth at this thesisc anb e a stimulusf or studentsw ho desireto conducfal iterarys tudy e speciallyu ponn ovel.H e likewises uggesttsh at thes tudentws hosei ntereitsa reo n literatures houldh avet he loveo freadingn ovels for therea reh undredso r event housandosf novelsc hallengingto be reada ndw orth analyzingI.t is hopedb eforet he last t hatt he resulto fthis studyc anb eo fhigh unhgTutn ssa ndi t is believedt hatd ealingl otsw ith literaryw orksp articularly novelsie will be led to be ablet o live our livesh armoniouslay ndd elightfullya ndt o bea blet o see andu ndergoo ur futurel iveso ptimisticallyb etter a ndt o be ablet o put ourw ordsa nda ctionsm uchm orew isely.

Item Type: Thesis (Diploma)
Subjects: ?? ??
Divisions: Fakultas Sastra (FS) > Departemen Sastra Inggris (ING) > S1 Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris
Depositing User: Users 2 not found.
Date Deposited: 04 Dec 2006 04:29
Last Modified: 09 Sep 2006 03:00
URI: http://repository.um.ac.id/id/eprint/10274

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